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Speech Therapy

Written by Kay S. Doss, CCC/SLP, our Speech Language Pathologist, 7/5/2022; published 7/27/2022.

How can speech Therapy services help me or someone I care about?

Speech Therapy services consist of a variety of skilled techniques and activities focused on improving communication, cognition, and swallowing skills, for pediatrics and adults.

What type of problems does Speech Therapy address?

If you or your loved one is having difficulty in any of the following areas they may benefit from a professional evaluation and intervention, by a licensed and certified Speech Language Pathologist, at the East Texas Treatment Center:
*Expressive Language difficulties
* Receptive Language difficulties
*Cognitive Deficits including memory loss
*Articulation deficits
*Phonological Processing deficits
*Oral motor dysfunction
*Social Language deficits
*Fluency/Stuttering difficulties
*Voice disorders
*Feeding difficulties
*Swallowing difficulties

What happens next?

After receiving a referral for a Speech Pathology evaluation from your physician, you will be scheduled with a licensed and certified Speech Pathologist. An evaluation will be completed to determine what deficits are present and what type of treatment is warranted.

If therapy is indicated, a customized therapy plan will be developed to address functional communication and/or
swallowing safety. Patient and caregiver training, with extensive education, will be a vital part of the treatment process, to increase carry over of newly acquired skills.

Our goal:

It is our goal to improve the quality of life for each patient that honors us with the privilege of providing their care. Please let us know if you have questions regarding the referral process. We look forward to being a positive part of your journey to communication excellence and swallowing safely.

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1200 Dudley Road

Kilgore, TX 75662


903-984-1913 (fax)


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